Category Testimonials

Testimonials for MMA’s Summer Camp

Q&A with Summer Camper Nickolas Kuhlmann

Q &A with Summer Camper Nicholas Kuhlmann This is an interview with Nicholas Kuhlmann from Fountain Hills, Arizona. This year (2014) is his first experience with MMA’s summer camp. This is your first time at MMA Summer Camp. How do you like…

Q&A with Camper Lorenzo Lozano

Q & A with Lorenzo Lozano This is an interview with Lorenzo Lozano from San Antonio, Texas.  He has participated in MMA’s Summer Camp program five years in a row. This is your fifth year at MMA Summer Camp. No…

Letter of Appreciation from Kelly Teran

Low ropes at MMA

Below is a letter of appreciation from Kelly Teran the mother of summer camper Antonio Teran thanking MMA for her son’s summer camp experience. Marine Military Academy Staff, Our family, on behalf of camper Antonio Teran, Jr., would like to…