Summer Camp: Why Should You Bother?
Maj Harold Compton
It is getting close to that time of year when young men are looking forward to the end of the school year. Thoughts are filled with ideas of how they are going to spend the summer months away from classes, books and homework. They are thinking of sleeping in late, hanging out with friends, staying up late, watching TV or maybe going on a vacation with family for a week or so or just relaxing until the next school year begins. Why in the world would anyone ever consider spending a major portion of their summer at a camp? Well, just ask yourself “What did I do last summer?” Was it something so memorable that thoughts of it dance in your head or are you struggling to remember just what you did? If every summer seems to be a rerun of the last one or you can’t remember anything special about it, then maybe it’s time to consider a summer camp. Not just any summer camp and not one that will fill you with memories of leather crafts, hikes and sitting around a campfire singing songs and roasting marshmallows. I’m talking about a summer camp where you are on the go from sunup to sundown. Where you will take on adventures that you see in the movies or on Discovery Channel. I’m talking about Marine Military Academy’s Adventure Summer Camp. We do more before 9:00 AM than most people will do in a full day and we do it every day for four weeks!
Why MMA Summer Camp?
First and foremost, MMA Summer Camp is a four week total immersion in action activities, group problem solving, teamwork building and just having a lot of fun. The days start before the sun breaks the eastern sky and ends after dark and you are on the go the entire time. You will be assigned to one of 5 companies and will be billeted with 60-70 other campers in two man rooms, air conditioned of course. All required clothing and equipment will be provided and you get one of those neat military haircuts! Don’t worry, it all grows back. All you need bring is a positive attitude and a sense of adventure. The adventure will begin immediately after checking in and continue unabated for the next four weeks. Senior Marine Non-commissioned officers will guide through each day, providing supervision and instruction. By the time the first week ends you will be ready to take on the toughest challenges of the camp, the LEAD Complex.
MMA Adventure Summer Camp on the LEAD Complex
The adventure kicks into high gear at the beginning of the second week of camp when campers take on the events on the LEAD Complex. They will experience activities such as rappelling, rock climbing and a 350′ zipline and this is just he beginning. Campers will test their skills on our Marine Corps Obstacle Course where a combination of strength, skill and technique will help them overcome every obstacle. Our Circuit Course will help them lose those unwanted pounds and develop that lean, mean physique. The Confidence Course will test not only their physical abilities but their confidence at heights. This will come in handy when the take on the High and Low Ropes Course. the Leadership Reaction Course will test their problem solving skills as well their ability to work as a team. The Pugil Sticks pit will test their courage and aggressivness and Rope Bridging will provide them with some fun technical skills. Every one of these events will be run multiple times durning summer camp with variations each time. All of these events are broken up with a series of hikes throughout the local area, beginning with a 2 mile hike and finishing up with a good 5 mile hike. Throw in a mud course, paintball course and a trip to the rifle range and it gets even more fun. Boxing, swimming and sports activities round out the schedule.
Even Meals are An Adventure
Even meal times are special at MMA Summer Camp. No bologna sandwiches and chips. “Every meal a feast” is no idle boast. Full home style cooking with plenty of fruit, salad and desserts. Breakfast gets the day going and it’s all you can eat with plenty of choices; eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits and gravy, fruit, cereal and drink. We try to make sure they get plenty of fluids at every meal to offset the South Texas heat. After the noon meal you get to go back to your air conditioned room for an hour to relax and regenerate for the afternoon activities. The evening meal may include chicken, fish, lasagna, roast beef, ham, turkey and all with plenty of side dishes. Whichever meal you sit down to you won’t leave hungry. We even throw in pizza and spagetti once in while to keep things interesting. We know what a growing young man needs to keep the motor running and we provide plenty of it!
MMA Summer Camp Wraps Up with a Wild Final Week
Every day of MMA Summer Camp is an adventure however, the final week of camp it all comes to crescendo with several events to wrap it all together. Campers take on the Iron Man, a team competition that covers the entire campus and is composed of over a dozen different event. Campers hit the LEAD Complex for their final time during the Back 40 Round Robin where they get one last chance at all the major events. Rappelling, zipline, obstacle course, confidence course and high ropes course make up the event and it is a whirlwind of activity as the move from one event to the next. Camper put their close order drill to good effect during the summer camp drill competition where the Commandant of Cadets grades each platoon on their drill movement. The annual Field Meet wraps up the four weeks of activity and is the one event parents have the opportunity to watch. At the end you will find that you are more physically fit, self-confident and ready to take on the world.
So if you still are wondering why you should consider summer camp at Marine Military Academy? You should only consider it if you want to experience the time of your life, to have memories that will last a lifetime and do things that your friends will marvel at when you tell them all about it!
Check out some of the video of Summer Camp 2012 to see how much fun it can be!
Learn More about Marine Military Academy Summer Camp
If you are considering a camp this summer then check out the Marine Military Academy or click on the image below to request information. Slots are filling up fast so make sure you secure yours!