Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test at Summer Camp


MMA Summer Camp Combat Fitness TestThe MMA Combat Fitness Test (CFT) Course is a test of a camper’s physical capacity in a broad spectrum of combat related tasks.  The CFT was designed to evaluate strength, stamina, agility and coordination as well as overall anaerobic capacity.

Uniform of the Day: Long trousers (utility trousers or sweatpants), t-shirt and boots – and plenty of energy!

The CFT consists of three events; Movement to Contact (MTC), Ammunition Lift (AL) and Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF).  All CFT events are conducted in a single session, not exceeding 2 hours in duration.  Transition between events affords campers adequate time to recover, stretch, hydrate and prepare for the next event.  Rest between events is no less (and no more) than five (5) minutes, and that includes filling up on water and ‘head calls’!

1) Movement to Contact (MTC) is a timed event. Preparatory command is “Ready” and execution command is “Go”. The run course utilizes the road around the Back 40 courses – 880 yards in length.
The goal is to complete the run as quickly as possible. Folks, this event separates the sprinters from the joggers!

2) Ammunition Lift (AL) is a timed event with a 2 minute limit. Once again, the preparatory command is “Ready” and the command of execution is “Go”. The AL is a repetitive lift of a 10 pound ammunition can (no worries, simulation only, this can is not ‘hot’)  from shoulder height to overhead, elbows locked. The camper’s partner is located to the side of the individual performing the AL , and he counts out  repetitions is located to the side of the individual performing the AL. Starting position for the AL is to hold the ammunition can sideways at the shoulder height with both hands, handle facing away, then lift with head up, chest elevated and lumbar curve maintained.  Feet remain a shoulder width apart or staggered in a basic warrior position. The Ammunition can  must be lifted to a point overhead where the elbows are momentarily locked out.  The ammunition can does not have to be lifted directly overhead.  Once lock out is achieved, the ammunition can is lowered to a point where the top of the can is at or below chin level.  This counts as one repetition.  Camper can use their legs to generate upward momentum of the ammunition can. The goal? Complete as many correct and complete repetitions as possible in a two (2) minute time limit. As the AL begins, you hear “One, two, three…” and  “Uno, dos, tres…” As the 15-seconds remaining call goes out, campers push their limits, striving to reach 140, 150  reps and more!

MMA Summer Camp Combat Fitness Test3) Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF) is a 300 yard shuttle run which includes a variety of combat related tasks: Crawls, buddy drag/carry, ammunition resupply, grenade throw and agility running.  A camper that is not currently running the event serves as a simulated casualty (SC) for the buddy drag/carry. The simulated casualty proceeds to the 75 yard line and sits on the ground facing away from the start line with legs straight, one yard inboard from the right lane boundary. Campers start the MANUF while lying in the prone position, chest on the ground, one yard inboard from the right boundary of their lane. “Ready” sounds, then the command of execution: “Go” sends campers scrambling to their feet to sprint to the 25 yard line. Campers execute a forward facing clockwise turn (“J” hook) around a marker placed 1 yard from the right boundary, then assume a high crawl position for 10 yards.  What constitutes “the high crawl”? Maintaining contact with the ground with elbows, knees and torso, and we’re talking about stirring up a whole lot of dirt and dust here!

Upon reaching the 35 yard line (there are CI’s and DI’s and assistant DI’s and the Commandant standing by to let one know EXACTLY where the 35 yard line is marked!) campers execute a modified high crawl for another 15 yards, bringing into focus the 50 yard line.  You might be asking what is a modified high crawl, and the answer would be maintaining six points of contact with the ground (hands, knees and toes).

So, now we’re at the 50 yard line. Campers rise…and negotiate a series of cones/pylons for 25 yards until reaching the 75 yard line.  Remember that  “SC” we sent earlier to the far side of the field? Here he waits patiently, seated at the 75 yard line, arms folded and ready for the ‘drag race’!  Upon reaching the SC,  the Camper conducts a casualty drag by reaching underneath and through the arms of the SC, obtaining a solid grasp of both forearms, lifting and dragging the casualty 10 yards through the first two cones/pylons.  Those CI’s, DI’s, and Company standing by assists the Camper with remembering to maintain proper lifting technique by keeping the head up, chest elevated and the natural curve of the lumbar spine maintained…AT ALL TIMES!

Once the feet of the SC pass the second cone/pylon, “Casualty Stand” is sounded so that even those with stifled hearing can clearly hear the command – clear as a church bell.  The SC stands tall, and the camper lifts the SC into a fireman’s carry position – usually with much grunting, grimacing and groaning among a few other verbal expressions.  The SC places the palm of one hand in the small of the back of the camper executing the carry. The camper transports the SC directly back to the start line, stopping momentarily to rest or readjust ‘the load’ as necessary. Once the SC passes through the start line, the SC is placed (ever so gently – NOT!) on the ground.  Without so much as the blink of an eye, the camper lifts the two ammunition cans and transports the cans right back to the 75 yard line, negotiating the cones/pylons while in route.

Once he reaches the 75 yard line he places the ammunition cans on the ground (ever so gently, once again) and drops to the ground for THREE, count ‘em out loud, THREE pushups. Back to those two ammunition cans…pick ‘em up and  transport them back to the start line, negotiating the cones/pylons in route.

The goal of this event? Complete the course as quickly as possible, of COURSE, for CAMP-WIDE bragging rights…HOO RAH!

Be sure to watch for more pictures and videos on FLICKER, FACEBOOK and YouTube!

Interested in learning more about our summer camp?  Visit Marine Military Academy’s all boys summer camp website.